Workers who protect the lives and property of community members, including, controlling traffic, preventing and investigating crimes, enforcing laws and ordinances, and apprehending, arresting and processing suspected criminals.
Much faster than average
Forensic Science Technicians |
Slower than average
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives |
Little or no change
Detectives and Criminal Investigators |
No Data
Police Detectives |
No Data
Police Identification and Records Officers |
No Data
Criminal Investigators and Special Agents |
No Data
Immigration and Customs Inspectors |
No Data
Intelligence Analysts |
Slower than average
Fish and Game Wardens |
Parking Enforcement Workers |
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers |
No Data
Police Patrol Officers |
No Data
Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs |
Slower than average
Transit and Railroad Police |
Animal Control Workers |
Private Detectives and Investigators |
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