Choose One
Industry Credential
(credit or non-credit)
Associates Degree 2 years
Transfer Degree
(Associates to Bachelors) 4 years
Bachelor's Degree 4 years
Masters Degree or beyond >4 years
Right to work!
My Next Steps
Why internship? What are careers that offer internships?
Search for more apprenticeships.
Now what? Brush up your resume, enter a training program or college.
Looking for a specific credential or maybe something near you? Search every industry credential in Virginia.
Get connected with coaching!
FANTIC financing for industry credentials.
Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back (G3).
Now what? Go right to work , complete your associate's degree or higher.
Not sure of your major? Find the fastest growing careers with an associates degree.
Search for your major!
How much will your degree cost?
Apply to a Virginia Community College.
Now what? Transfer for a bachelor's degree or prepare for work.
Not sure of your major? Find the fastest growing careers with a bachelor's degree.
Search the guaranteed admission agreements for your transfer degree.
Now what? Continue higher education with a master's degree or go to work.
Not sure of your major? Find the fastest growing careers with a bachelor's degree.
Which college will you attend?
Why pay full price? Consider a transfer degree.
Now what? Continue higher education with a master's degree or go to work.
Why should you get a master's degree or beyond?
Search for your College or Major.
Why pay full price? Consider a transfer degree.
Now what? Find out if your occupation requires a Ph.D, Ed.D, or J.D. or go to work.
Practice for the ASVAB.
What civilian career does your MOS link to?
Connect with military veteran reps at colleges near you.
Returning to the workforce as a military veteran.
Now what? Use your GI bill for college or see how many college credits you've earned with your service.
How much can you expect to earn?
Complete your resume. Then prepare for your interview.
Learn what your company expects.
Now what? Get a degree or more training.
My Choices
My choice is: to enter an Internship or Apprenticeship program. I hope to learn
what skill or knowledge do you need to learn from your internship / apprenticeship program?
through this experience so that I can start a career in
what is your career goal?
. The next step for me is to
what is the very next step for you to do in order to make your choice happen?
. Someone I can contact to help me is
who knows how to help you get started? Check with professional organizations, mentors, or your school counselor.
My choice is: an Industry Credential. I want to earn a credential in
what industry credential are you going for?
which will help me start a career in
what is your career goal?
. The next step for me is to
what is the very next step for you to do in order to make your choice happen?
. Someone I can contact to help me is
who knows how to help you get started? Check with the industry credentials link in the first box for contact info!
My choice is: an Associate's Degree. I'm considering a major in
what major are you thinking about?
what college do you want to go to?
. This will help me prepare for a career in
what is your career goal after finishing your associate's degree?
. My next step is to
what is the very next step for you to do in order to make your choice happen?
My choice is: a Transfer Degree. I'm considering a major in
what major are you thinking about?
what college are you considering for your 1st step?
and then transferring to
what college do you think you want to transfer to?
. My eventual career goal is
what is your career goal?
. My next step is to
what's your next step to start your transfer degree?
My choice is: a Bachelor's Degree. I'm considering a major in
what major are you thinking about?
what college are you considering?
. My eventual career goal is
what is your career goal?
. My next step is to
what's your next step to start your degree?
My choice is: a Master's degree or higher. I'm considering a major in
what major are you thinking about for your 1st step?
what college are you considering for your 1st step?
and then a higher degree in
what college offers your Master's degree or higher?
. My eventual career goal is
what is your career goal?
. My next step is to
what's your next step to start your first degree?
My choice is: Military Service. I want to enter the military because
why do you want to go into the military?
and my MOS will be
what is your MOS going to be?
. The next step for me is to
what is the very next step for you to do in order to make your choice happen?
. Someone I can contact to help me is
what is the name of the person who knows how to help you get started?
My choice is: to go right to work. I want to work in
what career field do you want to work in?
to gain experience for a career in
what is your eventual career goal?
. The average salary for this job is
what is the average salary for the job you're considering?
. My next step is to
what is the very next step for you to do in order to get a job in your field?